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quarta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2010

Dolph Lundgren

Nunca fui muito fã dos filmes do Dolph Lundgren, mas ja suspirei bastante por causa dele. Resultado, acabava vendo seus filmes.Sempre o achei tão sexy que acabei registrando isso no papel. 

I was never a big fan of Dolph Lundgren movies, but as I lost my breath many times because of him, I always ended watching his motion pictures. I always thought him so sexy that I should draw him, and that´s it.

3 comentários:

  1. I think Dolph Lundgren is very hot - did you know he's 6'6", and has a degree in... trying to remember... chemistry or chemical engineering...

  2. Hi Rochester, Thanks for your comment in my blog, the know which. I really like drawing too, but my traces are wayyyy worse than yours, yours are more realists, more defined. Keep up the great work you're doing here. Thanks again for following my humble blog. Cheers

  3. Dolph Lundgren is one of the hottest guys ever to go on the big screen. amazing arms, broad shoulders, indeed a hot hot hot guy. PB
